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  近期,欧娅诗在中国深圳华侨城洲际大酒店举办2019第一届欧娅诗《美尚盛典》并发布了年度战略规划,随后Digital Journal(加拿大数字期刊)大幅报道了该活动。



  (Digital Journal加拿大数字期刊报道OJESH)

  据悉,OJESH(中文名:欧娅诗)是德国轻奢护肤品牌,隶属德国亚森集团,目前在深圳、香港、新加坡均有设立分公司。OJESH近几年发展迅猛,客户遍布世界各地,销售覆盖欧洲、中国、美国、 日本、韩国、澳大利亚、阿联酋、加拿大、东南亚等37个国家。




  On December 10, OJESH, German skin care brand, held its first "Style Beauty Conference" in Shenzhen, China. The ceremony was star-studded, gathering experts and celebrities from science, fashion and the beauty industry.

  12月10日,源自德国护肤品牌欧娅诗在中国深圳华侨城洲际大酒店举办”鎏光至臻 美耀风尚“2019第一届欧娅诗《美尚盛典》,盛典现场星光熠熠,欧洲时尚明星、学术巨匠、品牌先锋等各领域重量级大咖云集跨界加冕欧娅诗《美尚盛典》。


  Mr. Wang Jiayi, founder of the brand OJESH, Mr. Wen Yi, CEO of Germany Jassen Group, Mrs. Ning Rui , CEO of Germany Jassen Group in greater China, Dr. Ottmar Neugebauer,Chief Senior R&D Engineer, Xiao Jianfeng,Chief Operating Office of OJESH, Mr. Li Song, Vice President of Shenzhen Yasen Jinyuan Technology co., LTD., Stefan Leitz, Marketing Director of Jassen Group, Mr. Xiang Yu, Chief Brand Officer of OJESH, Dr. Lucie Merkle, Chief Representative of Bavarian Office in China, Mr. Lars Rose, President of KLAMBT Media Group and partners from OJESH global strategic alliance gathered together at this ceremony.

  欧娅诗品牌创始人王嘉逸先生、德国亚森集团董事CEO文轶先生、德国亚森集团大中华区CEO宁芮女士、欧娅诗首席高级研发工程师Ottmar博士、欧娅诗品牌操盘手肖鉴峰先生、深圳市亚森金元科技有限公司副总裁李松先生、德国亚森集团市场总监Stefan Leitz、欧娅诗品牌运营总监项羽先生、德国巴伐利亚州中国代表处新任首席代表Lucie Merkle博士、德国KLAMBT时尚媒体集团总裁Lars Rose、欧娅诗全球战略联盟伙伴、业界知名人士、时尚达人等共聚一堂。

  Brand annual strategy was released at the ceremony

  Mr. Wang Jiayi gave a speech at the ceremony. He said that the original intention of OJESH was to be a brand that was needed. OJESH, originated from Germany, is showing millions of women their own natural beauty with OJESH.




  Mr. Wang also said that product was the basis of brand competitiveness. OJESH would continue to take advantage of the trend and continue to expand through strategies in marketing, products, training and partners acquisition in 2020, achieving globalization and internationalization.


  Mrs. Ning Rui shared OJESH’s philosophy of happiness at the ceremony. She hoped to make everyone feel the warmth and happiness of OJESH to live a beautiful life both within and without.


  Mr. Xiao Jianfeng reviewed the changes and development of OJESH in 2019. By the end of 2019, 23 million OJESH ampoules have been sold in 37 countries,one hyaluronic acid is sold per second.


  The brand building of OJESH has five major components: product marketing, channel marketing, influencer marketing, community marketing and brand marketing in 2020. He said that uniqueness was the driving force of a brand’s long-term development. And OJESH would continuously strengthen the brand identity and value in the future.


  OJESH,headquartered in Germany, came to China in 2016 and set up its branch office in Shenzhen. It was supported by the German government. Dr. Lucie Merkle, the new Chief Representative of Bavarian Office in China, attended the ceremony and highly praised the products of OJESH and Jassen Group.

  欧娅诗总部位于德国,2016年进入中国市场,在深圳设立分公司,欧娅诗在中德的友好往来中一直扮演着重要的角色,受到德国政府的高度重视。本次盛典,德国巴伐利亚州中国代表处新任首席代表Lucie Merkle博士出席,并带来了德国巴伐利亚州商务部部长的致辞。Lucie Merkle博士对德国亚森集团及欧娅诗产品给予了极高的赞誉。

  Mr. Wen and Dr. Neugebauer gave a professional representation of OJESH's product research & development. They also indicated that OJESH would focus more on the research & development of new products in the future.


  Stefan Leitz, marketing director of OJESH, said OJESH would cooperate with more European brands in 2020 to increase its brand influence internationally.

  德国亚森集团市场总监Stefan Leitz现场分享欧娅诗2019年欧洲的时尚品牌活动,2020年欧娅诗的欧洲品牌活动将会进行更广泛的渠道布局,与更多的品牌跨界互动,提升品牌的综合影响力。

  Last but not least, Mr Lars Rose outlined the intensive cooperation between Klambt Media Group and Jassen Group in the future.

  德国KLAMBT媒体集团总裁Lars Rose现场也对本次的盛典高度的评价,未来KLAMBT时尚媒体集团将会与欧娅诗有更多的品牌战略活动。

  The first " Style Beauty Conference" presented a cross-over program full of interesting stimulations in all fashions. It is a showcase of its unforgettable and remarkable brand identity, as well as its extensive influence in the industry. 2020 is a year to look forward to for OJESH.


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