Holistic Space Design

发表于 2019-2-26 20:49:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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  Bringing together talented and accomplished space designers, architects, artists and product designers, we will together explore the value of effective function,high art and design aesthetics and user experience with regard to how it can affect employees in the workplace as well as consumers interacting directly with a space rather than simply inhabiting it.
  Digital Bootcamp Asia powered by Tolmao Group, and in unique coordination with co-organizers Clestra Hauserman, PS-ONE and WeWork, we would like to welcome guests to listen to and discuss with these accomplished designers, all housed in a space which exemplifies a high level of attention to detail within furniture, space and lighting design.
  When it comes to designing a holistic experience which surrounds all who enter and utilize an environment, all aspects of such need to be taken into consideration,and nothing left aside.
  Digital Bootcamp Asia隶属于Tolmao Group,我们与Clestra Hauserman, PS-ONE 和WeWork合作主办这次活动,欢迎您来参加我们的活动,与我们才华横溢的专业人士进行交流讨论。我们的话题将集中在家具、空间和照明设计。
  WeWork Xujiahui, 9th Floor, Tower A, ONE ITC, 1901 Huashan Road, Xuhui District (Main entrance is on zhaoping Road) WeWork
  地址:国贸汇, 上海市徐汇区华山路1901号国贸汇A座9层
  日期: 2019年3月7日 星期四 18:00 至 21:00
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