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  烤鸭A:什么??描述一个爱环保的人??我天生就是最不爱环保的啊!  烤鸭B:描述一个让我害怕的场景是什么鬼!  烤鸭N+1:居然还有别人给我送钱的场景??!现实中哪有这么好的事儿!!苍天啊!还是让我活在梦里吧!!!!  ”  不少烤鸭们叫苦连连,纷纷抱怨雅思考试一次比一次难。遂在票圈里转发九月请对我好一点,或者是干脆转发一个各种加强版表情包。  不过  鸭宝宝们要记住转发许愿再灵验  也敌不过自己提高硬实力来的强!!!  今儿北京新东方英联邦项目张老师给大家来一个干货满满的的Part 2话题分享  快安利起来吧!  今儿的题目是,描述一个本国的好法律。这道题让很多烤鸭同胞们都望而却步,纷纷表示臣妾做不到啊!!!!!  Describe a good law in your country.  You should say:  what the law is;  how you first learned about it;  who the law affects;  and explain why you think this is a good law.  这其实是一道老题翻新,我当年在出国考雅思的时候就准备过这道题。很多国内烤鸭们准备的素材无外乎是酒驾,可考官们每天听到这么多类似的素材真的会灰常go nuts! 不如我们说一个很多不论是在国内还是在国外大家都关心的法律条例:中国近期开放的二胎政策,那就是:China’s two-child policy.  让我们来先看一下背景。  Literally, 二胎政策确实是一条好的法律,它促进了人口均衡发展,并且是一种积极应对中国人口老龄化的有效措措施以及缓解了人口比例失调的问题。  那让我们先来进行最重要的一步,把P2的逻辑按照考官给的prompt梳理一遍。  What the law is  这条法律条款是2016年中国政府发布全面出台的二胎政策,修改了之前的独生子女证政策。即符合条件的中国夫妇允许生育第二个小孩。  China had loosened(放宽) its one-child policy(独生子女政策), and the program was officially expanded (被发展为)to a two-child policy as of the start of 2016(在2016年伊始). All couples (所有夫妻)are now allowed to have two children.  How you first learned about it  第一次知道这条消息是有一次在微博上闲逛,碰巧看到这条热搜,并且吸引起了我的注意力。这条新闻当时在我周围引起了广泛的讨论。  Browse the internet:浏览网页  By chance:碰巧地  Catch sb’s attention:抓住某人的注意力  Who the law affects  这里注意,这里可以理解为正是因为之前独生子女政策所造成的问题,才有了今天法律的出台。我们可以把实施二胎政策的原因以及这条法律的影响对应起来说。这样会让逻辑更加清晰易懂。  1). 之前的独生子女政策对女性造成了严重的影响。中国妇女不得不为了控制生育而进行堕胎,流产。  sterilisations:不孕  abortions:流产  2). 历史上的中国还是有重男轻女的现象,因此中国的一胎政策会导致很多女性流掉女孩,进而导致男女比例的失衡。  male centric culture:男性为主导文化  Newborn girls(新生女孩) were killed, removed(被移除) by family-planning officials(计划生育当局) or abandoned (抛弃) by parents.  imbalance population:不均衡人口  3). 由于之前的独生子女政策,导致中国进入老龄化时代。劳动力的短缺,非劳动力增加,加剧了抚养比。一方面增加了老人的负担,另外一方面社会也缺乏有效劳动力来振兴经济。  aging population:人口老龄化  A shortage of working-age residents:劳动力短缺  dependency ratio:抚养比 (非劳动年龄人口对劳动年龄人口之比,比重越大意味着劳动力的抚养负担越重。)  replenish the economy:振兴经济  Explain why you think this is a good law  绝对是一条好政策!缓解了各方的压力。  逻辑整理清楚之后来看看成型的文章吧!!  It has been several years since China abolished the one-child policy. China had loosened its one-child policy, and the program was officially expanded to a two-child policy as of the start of 2016. All couples are now allowed to have two children and some government officials are looking for ways to encourage a baby boom.  The first time I came to know this law was when I was browsing the Internet. My attention was caught by this breaking news which refers to China’s two-child policy. I jumped for joy. You have no idea how excited I was. The advent of the policy suggested that I might have a brother or sister in the near future. Then we could share the responsibility for looking after our parents when they are elder.  Frankly Speaking, the one-child policy caused damage and trauma to many Chinese. To begin with, the one-child-per-couple policy was horrific for women in China. Many were subjected to forced sterilisations or abortions. China has historically been a very male centric culture. Newborn girls were killed, removed by family-planning officials or abandoned by parents. It has created a very imbalance population in china. In addition, China is home to more than 1.3 billion people. There are millions of people aged 60 years or older. China faces a rapidly aging population and a huge difference in a dependency ratio. A shortage of working-age residents, causing stress on health care and social services for the elderly and a huge amount of pressure on the next generation. The society does need workers to replenish the economy.

免责声明:深圳网不承担任何由内容提供商提供的信息所引起的争议和法律责任! 本文地址:https://www.szaima.com/thread-267888-1-1.html 上一篇: 分享一下~十一小长假跟老妈的爬山攻略 下一篇: 光大安石中心解锁“无界”有机生活圈 让美好一触即发


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