
发表于 2018-4-26 21:46:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Abstract: This paper is aimed at analyzing translation of news headlines from the perspective of memetics in order to find out why a news headline can stand out among numerous headlines. First, there is an introduction. Second, there is a literature review in which the author gives an overview of memes and a survey of translation of news headlines. Functions and characteristics of headlines are discussed respectively. In the third part, classification of memes is explained. There are three kinds of memes in news headlines, which are word memes, phrase memes and sentence memes. In the forth part, transmission modes of news headline memes are giving. There are mainly two modes: one is identical meaning and form, the other is identical meaning and different forms. The last part is a conclusion in which the author puts forward that translators should make full use of memes in news to elevate the value of the news as well as the propagation effect.  论文出自三亿论文网 http://www.eeelw.com
Key Words: news headline; meme; replication and transmission

1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review...1
2.1 A General Overview of Memes2
2.2 A General Survey of News Headlines2
2.2.1 Functions of News Headlines..2
2.2.2 Characteristics of News Headlines..3
3. Classification of News Headline Memes 4
3.1 Word Memes.4
3.2 Phrase Memes.5
3.3 Sentence Memes.5
4. Transmission Modes of News Headline Memes .5
4.1 Identical Meaning and Form..6
4.2 Different Forms with Identical Meaning..6
5. Conclusion. 7

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