
发表于 2018-4-26 20:54:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Abstract: The latest novel of Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go, is a science fiction in which some clones are created in order to donate their organs to normal people. This thesis, from the perspective of the clones, explores the survival condition of modern human from the following three periods: childhood, adolescence and adulthood. The thesis is made up of five parts. Chapter One introduces the author Kazuo Ishiguro and this novel. Chapter Two elaborates on the clone’s innocent and ignorant childhood at Hailsham that indicates the innocence of human’s childhood. Chapter Three analyzes the efforts the clones make to find out their origins which shows human’s confusion as adolescents. In Chapter Four, it is explored that the final tragic endings of the clones in adulthood implies the ultimate tragedy of human as adults. It is concluded that like the clones, no one can escape from the destined fate although many try to create their individual life with this limitation.  论文出自三亿论文网 http://www.eeelw.com
Key words: Never Let Me Go; clones; destiny

1. Introduction ..1
1.1 Introduction to the Author
1.2 Introduction to the Novel
2. The Clones’ Unavoidable Destines
2. 1 Childhood at Hailsham 2
2.2. Adolescence at the Cottage..5
2.3. Adulthood at Recovery Center .9
3. Conclusion10
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