
发表于 2018-4-22 16:30:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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  全球联系越发密切趋势下很多人都会选择出国去看看领略境外风光了解历史文化。了解一般中国公民英国入境需要回答什么问题办法攻略也很重要,现如今出国的朋友有的是去留学还有的是去旅游,当然去工作以及去探望亲友等等的也不少目的不尽相同。中信银行官网看一般中国公民英国入境需要回答什么问题了解通才能办理顺。  中信手机银行        http://www.citicbank.com/about/companynews/citicwiki/abroadfinance_2649/202501/t20250101_761924.html




  1. Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it?   这是你的申请表吗?你了解内容并签字了吗?

  回答问题核心:Yes. I understood it and signed it.

  2. What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?   你希望在英国最多待多长时间?

  回答问题核心:About 4years. 1 year for foundation course and 3 years for Undergraduate course.

  3. Do you know anyone at all in the United Kingdom?   你在英国认识什么人吗?

  回答问题核心:Yes,My classmate and my teachers at Into Exeter .

  4. Are you one of any political parties in china?   你在中国参加了什么政治组织吗? NO.

  5. Have you ever applied for a visa to the any other country?   你曾经申请过其他国家的签证吗? No.

  6. What will you do in the UK   你去英国干什么?

  回答问题核心:I will study foundation course at Bellerbys College.

  7. Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than in china?   你为什么准备去英国学习而不是在中国?

  It has Good Education and pays more attention to cultivate personal independence and team spirit.

  8. What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?   你计划在英国获得什么学位?

  回答问题核心:I would like to study business course and get Bachelor's Degree of Science.

  9. What are your tuition fees?   你的学费是多少?

  About 22,912.00 pounds

  10. What about the living expenses?   生活费是多少?

  About 5,400 pounds



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